Louise Jordan, Green Party, Cork North-West, Cork City Council Candidate Elections 2024
Hello everyone again. Welcome back to this blog about the Green Party candidates for the Cork City Council elections in 2024. The candidates are thinking and preparing ahead of time, which is a good thing. You know what they say about the early bird catching the worm, you can never be too prepared. I've introduced two of the other candidates in the previous posts. Each of whom represent a different electoral area of Cork City. With Green Party colleagues, outside MEP Grace O'Sullivan's office, Washington Street. This time we're looking at Louise Jordan, who will be representing the North-West ward of Cork. Louise, is among the minority of female representatives in the city group. As you may have heard and read before now, that it is difficult to raise the number of female candidates as a whole, so let's give her as much support as we can. Good Morning Louise, you're welcome here to a chat mixed with tea/coffee and a little politics. Which ...