
Showing posts with the label Community Garden

The Real Green Politics - Down to Earth Activity - Togher Community Garden

  TOGHER COMMUNITY GARDEN   Beautifully nestled in one corner of Clashduv Park, Cork city, the Togher Community Garden has begun a feast of food, fun and adventure for anyone who wants to join in. Growing vegetable, flower, fruit and nut, the sun and rain beams its generosity on this community garden since 2021.    Run by Maria Young, coordinator with Cork Food Council and volunteers, whose enthusiasm and positivity beams warmly on anyone who drops by for a visit. And more volunteers are welcome too! The day I visited, I was welcomed in with a flourish and before long chats about the earth's needs and water resources and the fun and adventure of it all were indulged. Such a warm friendly communtiy!                                       Supported by the Cork Food Policy Counci, Maria and her volunteers have achieved much with the establishment of raised beds, a greenhouse, c...

Colette Finn, Green Party, Cork City Councillor, Candidate Elections 2024

 Hello again, I'm bringing you another Green candidate for Cork city council elections in 2024. This morning I'll be chatting  to Colette Finn, a member of  the Cork City Council since  2019. I hope you've all being      enjoying the stuff written in  these posts about upcoming  new Green Party candidates  for Cork City elections 2024  In the last few weeks, we had a most distinguished world-class politician visit us in Ireland, that is, Joe Biden, President of the United States, and he spend a few days with us,. We're were and are  privileged indeed.   This morning we're privileged and honoured to be talking to a first class and very experienced politician and city councillor...Colette Finn. It's always interesting and enlightening to listen to the experienced politicians, who have a vast array of experiences working within the community. Colette , a graduate of UCC to doctoral level in...