The Real Green Politics - Down to Earth Activity - Togher Community Garden


 Beautifully nestled in one corner of Clashduv Park, Cork city, the Togher Community Garden has begun a feast of food, fun and adventure for anyone who wants to join in.

Growing vegetable, flower, fruit and nut, the sun and rain beams its generosity on this community garden since 2021. 


Run by Maria Young, coordinator with Cork Food Council and volunteers, whose enthusiasm and positivity beams warmly on anyone who drops by for a visit. And more volunteers are welcome too!

The day I visited, I was welcomed in with a flourish and before long chats about the earth's needs and water resources and the fun and adventure of it all were indulged.

Such a warm friendly communtiy!
Supported by the Cork Food Policy Counci, Maria and her volunteers have achieved much with the establishment of raised beds, a greenhouse, compost, store shed, water tanks, not to speak of upcoming rainwater storage and a rain garden.

Their Own Cookbook ! 'From the Garden'

Mandie Rekaby, chef and volunteer in the garden, has run cooking workshops for children, who, with Luna Fox, an illustrator and the children themselves, produced a cookbook last year.
What inspiring oeople here. 
What a great way for children and adults to enjoy and get to know the benefits of growing and enjoy the full flavour of veg and fruit, straight from the ground, without any loss of taste and vitamins.
No plastic bag shopping here.
And cooking and eating outdoors is beneficial to health, wellbeing and the environment, and learning as you go and enjoying the journey.

Tasty recipes devised by Mandie and the children and volunteers in the garden.
Such a great way to promote cooking and interest in food for the children and the community.
All food was prepared and cooked outdoors.
Ingenious !

I made two visits, dropping off some plants from an allotment, near White's Cross, on the northern outer edges of Cork city. No doubt I'll be back to Togher.

Togher is in the southern part of Cork city, reached by the 214 bus from Patrick Street.
(Google will help).

Official visiting hours I believe are Wednesdays and Saturdays 10-1pm. 
It would seem they might open, unofficially, also outside those hours.

Good to see a 'no mow' policy here in Clashduv park, in Togher.
How I wish this policy applied everywhere in Cork, helping to sequester the carbon and all that.
Perhaps, the policy will 'grow', thanks to the example here in Togher and the influence of their Community garden.

Find them on Facebook :
Twitter : Togher Community Garden@GardenTogher
Instagram : toghercommunitygarden

Their cookbook is downloadable from their  Instagram.

(Written by Celine Spengeman for everyone and everything green).

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