Dr. Clodagh Harrington, Green Party Candidate, Midleton, Cork East, Cork County Council Elections 2024.


Clodagh with Tidy Towns Volunteers in Midleton

Great to have you here Clodagh for a chat about your candidacy and your expectations for the coming year till elections in June 2024.

To begin, what do you prefer to drink...tea or coffee?

Coffee. Always!

Why is that your choice and what does it remind you of?

The smell of coffee makes me genuinely happy and reminds me of good books and great conversations. Online coffees with friends during the Covid lockdowns were a source of much joy.

That was certainly a good way to connect during Covid times.

Congratulations on your nomination for the Green Party in Midleton. What drew you to politics and the Green Party?

It’s tricky to sum this up in a sentence but politics has engaged me since childhood, no doubt due to growing up in Ireland at a time when it was all anyone talked about! In recent years, I have gravitated towards the Green Party as my logical political home, in relation to climate of course but other policy priorities too.

That sounds really good Clodagh. Tell us a little about yourself?

I grew up in Glanmire and studied History at UCC before living and travelling abroad. I then settled in the UK and moved back to Cork with my daughter during the pandemic. I now live in Glounthaune and teach Politics and History at UCC. So, a full circle!

A varied life indeed and sounds like you've had interesting experiences that will lend well to politics. You’ve been nominated to represent Midleton,  East Cork constituency for the Cork County Council.  How do you feel about that?

I am excited and a little trepidatious about my nomination. I think that’s a good balance in that I feel motivated but under no illusions about the challenges ahead.

Indeed it is a daunting task to be nominated for a political party and I'm sure you will give it your best shot. What kind of reaction have you had from the people in the town and surrounds?

I have been treading softly and asking lots of questions of those that I meet in East Cork. To date, everyone I’ve met has been supportive and positive, or polite at the very least. I’ve heard of so many local concerns that chime directly with the GP agenda. I’m very keen to connect these dots and demonstrate to voters that the GP cares greatly about on-the-ground issues as well as broader climate concerns.

It must help being from East Cork yourself. Have you had a chance to knock on doors yet? 

I’ve done plenty door-knocking for my fellow candidates but I am still in the listening phase in East Cork.

Helping Cork City Candidate Louise Jordan

There's plenty of time yet. What are your hopes, dreams and goals for East Cork around Midleton? 

If I could in any way help to promote the idea that living a more sustainable life does not have to entail some hugely inconvenient sacrifice, but in reality is a route to a healthier existence. A key goal would be to encourage small but significant ongoing life adjustments with a view to all of us leaving a lighter footprint on the earth.

It will be interesting to follow how you pursue this very necessary line of thinking. It's what's needed at present. Isn't it? As you represent the Green Party’s interests, what Green themes and policies do you hope to achieve?

The GP themes and policies that I think I can authentically prioritize are the ones that I feel passionate about myself. These would include active travel (especially cycling) and sustainable living. Also, based on what I’ve gathered from talking to people in East Cork, is a desire for more active citizenship, often in the form of very practical matters such as cleaner streets. And, maybe an extra carriage and a later weekend service on the Midleton to Cork train!

Clodagh with a group of tidy towners in Midleton

Hopefully I can come back at a later time and see how you’re getting on.

Please do! I’d be delighted to chat again. And thank you for this opportunity.

Thank you for being here today and wish you the best of luck as you settle into your candidacy.

Thank you Clodagh.

So that's it about Clodagh for the moment. She will be busy out and about in the large Cork East electoral area. Lots of Green themes for her to follow through on. 

(Written by Celine Spengeman, September 2023, for everyone and everything green).

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